The Favor The "Mainstream Media" Did For Mumia

There was supposed to be a demonstration against the “mainstream” media attack on Mumia on May 18th.
Something else would happen that would blow the Mumia cult’s stupid protestations right off of the map. Philadelphia Police Officer Gary Skerski was brutally gunned down in the line of duty about eight days before and all of a sudden nobody gave a damn anymore about Pam Africa, her filthy rabble of misinformed French communists, or their stupid complaints. The cities residents, both black and white wanted the culprit found, brought to justice, and thankfully we can now report that this has been done. Of course, and I say this with all sincerity, that the accused is and should be treated as innocent until proven guilty.
And while I am pretty much to the point that I am glad to see MOVE and their ilk deprived of the media coverage that they so lustfully crave, there is a part of me who wished the Mumia story could have been covered side by side with that of Officer Skerski.
For if there ever were to be displayed a more clear example of a life lived with purpose versus a waste of humanity, it exists in the tableau of difference between Skerski and Jamal.
It appears, according to the media, that Skerski, a 16-year police veteran oozed with warmth and concern for his fellow man and never failed to step up when someone was in need.
And Jamal? He gunned someone down in cold-blood, has lied about it for years, has nearly allowed others to take the fall for him, exists as an apologist for 9/11 terrorits and child rapists, and helps to lead the corrupt monstrosity designed to “free” him from prison. On top of all of that he offers his mediocre "opinions" that get passed off as journalism in some disreputable locales
According to colleagues,, Skerski "just loved helping people," said Officer Christine Murphy, who had partnered with Skerski for the past three years as a member of the 15th Police District's crime- prevention unit.
Murphy noted, "There's not a person or a community group in this district who doesn't know Gary.
"When you needed help, he was the one. He'd take the shirt off his back for you. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it's all true. He was good to his community and a great police officer. He was good all the way around."
Officer Skerski was shot to death by a ”yellow eyed” masked gunman in a Northeast Philadelphia bar while interceding in a robbery that was occurring at the establishment.
Mumia Abu-Jamal as his contribution to socieity, ran up behind an officer in the administration of his duty and shot him in the back, than seeing the job not done, made sure he finished off the disabled Officer without remorse or mercy. And than, according to some witnesses, he bragged about it.
By all appearances, Officer, Skerski, was a family man who loved his city and community and now has given his life for it. As for Jamal, he is less than nothing and this city owes him nothing.
What have we received from Jamal and the rabble of fools who still inhabit his fan club? Zero.
According to the press release advertising the pro-Jamal event, the agenda was to be as follows:
“Michael Smerconish a (local attorney and radio host on 1210 AM) have launched attacks against Mumia, attempting to sway public opinion to push for Mumia's execution. To fight back in defense of Mumia, a press conference has been scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday May 18th, at 10 am, at the Mayor's Office (the second story of City Hall, Broad and Market Sts).”
The above statement is far to stupid to even comment on
What is worthy of comment is the following excercise in extreme audacity
"French officials, unlike their counterparts in the U.S., have researched Mumia's trial and case thoroughly and determined that not only was it unfair but that Mumia is innocent. This belief has lead them to organize throughout France, Europe, and to raise the funds and take the time to come here, to Philadelphia, to address this issue personally."
So let me get this straight and so that we are all on the same page. Nobody on this side of the Atlantic (outside of MOVE and some Marxist dead enders) have researched Mumia’s trial and case thoroughly. And so therefore only these brave Frenchmen are the sole arbiters of Jamal’s truth. Sure, makes sense to me. I guess Maureen Faulkner will be happy to know that the French have "solved" her husband's murder
If the French are so attentive to the case, than where is the French translations of the trial transcripts? How can one “thoroughly” examine a trial if they cannot even read the text of the proceedings. And yes I know for a fact that some of these Frenchmen cannot even speak English much less read it.
Further, if one were to accept the pro-Jamal line you would have to accept that nobody in this city cares that one of it’s own officers was gunned down just so a failed journalist/taxi driver could be framed, leaving the real killer off the hook.
The recent outrage to the killing of Officer Skerski blows the fiction of indifference to officers of the law out of the water and does so conclusively, although I am sure Mumiaidiots will still find cause to ply their trade. After all, there is still some francs to be milked out of all of this.
Now you may like cops or you may not, but you should have some kind of affinity for the truth and it has been proven yet again (as if it had to be), that the Mumia crew cares nothing for any semblance of facts.
So in that sense, I lament the lack of coverage of the Mumia bitch session. We all missed out on a cynical display of propagandizing transposed against a backdrop of true grief. We could have seen what it is like to see a genuine love displayed towards a man who was considered by many to be a hero while at the same time observing the pitiful spectacle that is the cult of personality of a person whose name does not even deserve to be in the same sentence as that of Officer Skerski.
I think it went better this way and that we should continue to ignore the long discreditied rantings of the Mumia cult.
I am sure that the hardliners at the IAC or some other pro-Jamal fanatics have conversed with the French about the case. I actually spent a good amount of time with a French delegation when they were in Philly and MOVE kept them under their thumb the whole time. I do know that there are some French political groups speaking against Jamal, but no little about them
Over 6,000 American casualties on D-Day on the beaches of Normandy and here we are six decades later naming streets after remorseless murderers of Americans.
Still though, some of my favorite writers and artitsts were French and one I like very much is Bernard Henri Levy who helps to lead the charge against anti-americanism in France
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